sâmbătă, 12 noiembrie 2011

Life, magicka and stamina (and 1 hit kill)

Ok. I've played a couple of hours and I can only say this: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is at it's best. The jewel of the series.
Game is great, which means the programming, sound and graphics are great.
I've managed to train the game for unlimited health, mana and stamina so far. Since the routines are shared between player and AI, I've got an 1 hit kill hack, too
For more info check the Reverse Engineered page

3 comentarii:

  1. Hello,

    I found your post on reverse ingeneering Skyrim very interesting, but there is one thing I don't get !
    Could you help me ?

    In the code injection, you build a pointer for health.
    You found a pointer that was [[[["TESV.exe"+010BC734] +CC]+40]+160]+104

    But in the code, you're doing :
    mov eax, [155c064] // build pointer for health
    add eax,16C

    Why 155c064 ? Why 16C ? Were did you got those numbers ?

    Thanks a lot !

  2. I finally found my way in the code and managed to make my (very first) trainer. Thanks a bunch, the reverse engeneered section helped me a lot :)

  3. Can you please comment the auto asm script line by line?
    I really like to learn this. THX
